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Elevated Knitwear: Exploring the Beauty of Garment Dyed B...
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Garment dyed vs Piece Dye
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January 28 2024 – Ivan Rosario
What is Garment Dyed Clothing?
What Exactly is Garment Dyed Clothing? Garment dyed clothing refers to garments that are dyed after they have been sewn into their final form. Unlike traditional dyeing methods where fabrics are dyed before being cut and stitched. Garment dyeing involves immersing fully constructed garments into vats or special machines filled with dye solutions. This process allows the color to penetrate...
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December 01 2023 – Ivan Rosario
Decoding Garment Dyeing Shrinkage
Definition of Garment Dyeing Shrinkage In fashion-forward industry, garment dyeing has emerged as a popular technique to achieve unique and striking colors in clothing. However, along with its myriad advantages, one crucial challenge that the garment industry confronts is garment dyeing shrinkage. Garment dyeing shrinkage refers to the dimensional change that occurs in textiles after dyeing, washing, or drying. Understanding shrinkage...
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